Carol Quigless is an Integrative Holistic Health Practitioner who is based in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Carol Quigless owes her unique style of healing to her varied interests and experience in different natural healing modalities. Spurred by her own need, she became interested in nutritional cooking in the late 1980s and opened one of Los Angeles’ first home delivery meal services, specializing in healthy regional and international cuisine. Her talent and creative skills later led her to private chef work and catering to some of Hollywood’s well known health conscious luminaries.

Again prompted by her own personal need, Ms. Quigless began investigating various holistic healing methods. She began studying essential oil applications in the late 1990s followed by her studies and certification in massage therapy and bodywork. Exposure to ancient Asian healing arts led her to energy work, culminating in her studies in Reiki and Touch for Health/Applied Kinesiology. Ms. Quigless noticed that utilizing essential oils while practicing massage/bodywork and energy work boosted positive results considerably. She then sought certification in Clinical Aromatherapy and developed numerous formulas over the course of 15 years which she now provides to the public in her “Flourish” line of pesticide and pollution free and/or wildcrafted therapeutic quality essential oil blends. Ms. Quigless has experience leading nutritional cooking classes, stress release workshops and various clinical aromatherapy workshops. She has also written articles and appeared on local TV and radio showcasing her skills.


  • Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork

    • Nationally Certified Massage Therapist & Bodyworker Licensed in Virginia and North Carolina

    • Certified Manual Lymphatic Drainage Practitioner

    • Certified Medical Massage Practitioner

  • Neil Asher Technique

    Certified NAT Practitioner for Shoulder Pain

  • Reiki

    Reiki Master-Teacher in the Usui lineage

  • Aromatherapy

    Certified Clinical Aromatherapist

    Dr. Raphael D’angelo

    Advance Aromatic Seminars

  • Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork Training

    Approved NCBTMB Course Provider